Paris Meeting Working Group 2: Functionality and Performance
Below you will find links to the presentations given during the Working Group 2 session.
- Sabrina Palanti (IT) and Miha Humar (SI) - Introduction to WG2
- Francesca Lanata (IT) - The monitoring as a tool to improve performance modelling and service life assessment of timber structures
- Nicola Macchioni (IT) and Sabrina Palanti (IT) - Example of a diagnosis on a new XLam building in Italy: material decay and monitoring needs
- Mark Irle (FR) - The influence of humidity on the formaldehyde emissions of wood-based building products
- Jakub Sandak, Mariapaola Riggio, Anna Sandak, Ilaria Santoni (all IT) - What is superb wood surface? A trial for define user preferences and service life expectations – SWORFISH approach.
- Miha Humar (SI) and Christian Brischke (DE) - Introduction to Round Robin evaluation test