


The Seventh European Conference on Wood Modification was held at Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), Portugal on 10-12 March 2014.

Since the First European Conference on Wood Modification was held in Ghent, Belgium, to mark the end of the Thematic Network on Wood Modification, ECWM has become firmly established as the major European conference on the subject of wood modification. The Seventh Conference was held in conjunction with COST Action F1303, as well as COST FP0904 (Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical wood Behaviour and Processing) and FP1006 (Bringing New Functions to Wood through Surface Modification).

The flyer for the event can be downloaded from here, whilst the programme can be downloaded here. COST FP1303 held a dedicated session at this Conference comprising the following papers:

  • Gry Alfredsen (Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute, Norway) - New insight regarding mode of action of brown rot decay of modified wood based on DNA and gene expression studies
  • Rebecka Ringman (SP Wood Technology, Sweden) - The role of Fenton derived hydroxyl radicals in oxidative and enzymatic degradation of furfurylated wood
  • Jan Van den Bulcke (Gent University, Belgium) - Moisture dynamics of modified wood
  • Bruno Andersons (Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry, Latvia) - Hydrothermally modified wood: some reasons for durability
  • Carmen-Mihaela Popescu (“Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Romania) - The role of hydroxyl groups in determining the sorption properties of modified wood
  • Maziar Sedighi Moghaddam (SP Department of Chemistry, Materials and Surfaces – Polymer Technology, Sweden) - Dynamic wettability study on acetylated and furfurylated wood using multicycle Wilhelmy plate method
  • Dennis Jones (SP Wood Technology, Sweden) - Moisture risk and Wood Durability Testing for Modified Wood

Several other papers in other sessions are also relevant to the Action.The programme from the conference can be found here, whilst individual papers from the full proceedings from ECWM7 can be found below within each of the following sessions.