
“Designing with bio-based building materials – Challenges and opportunities”. INIA, Madrid. 24-25 February, 2016.


Having established the potential of bio-based materials as building materials, it was decided there was a need to discuss how the materials were currently being used in construction and how performance factors affected their future use. Based on this, a meeting was held at the National Institute for Agronomic Research (INIA), Madrid (Spain) on 24-25 February, 2016. The call for papers can be downloaded from here, whilst the programme for the event can be seen here.


There were three keynote presentations given during the 2-day meeting:

Peter Wilson (UK) - New forms of architecture for the 21st century using bio-based materials
Juan Queipo de Llano (ES) - Advances and handicaps of using wood-based materials in construction in Spain: an overview
Joran Jermer (SE) - Results and conclusions of the WoodBuild project

Other presentations can be downloaded from here:

Working Group 1, Working Group 2, Working Group 3 and Poster Session. The book of abstracts from the event can also be downloaded from here.