
Eighth European Conference on Wood Modification (ECWM8), Helsinki, Finland. 26-27 October, 2016.


Finland is a country of forests and lakes. It is therefore unsurprising that a vibrant forest-based industry became established here and that many building have been, and are still, built of wood. Indeed there is currently a great deal of interest in building more with wood in Finland and many projects, including an eight storey apartment block, have recently been completed here. Finland is also where the ThermoWood® process was developed, one of the growing number of commercial wood modification processes. Thus, holding the latest in the series of ECWM conferences in Finland seemed an obvious choice. The flyer for the conference can be downloaded here. As with the ECWM7 conference in Lisbon, it was decided there would be a strong emphasis on the performance of modified wood, and hence the involvement of this Action in the conference. The following participants were offered the chance to represent COST FP1303 at ECWM8:

Michael Altgen (Germany), Mikos Bak (Hungary), Wilfried Beikircher (Austria), Vladimirs Biziks (Germany), Christian Brischke (Germany), Lothar Clauder (Germany), Simon Cragg (UK), Bruno Esteves (Portugal), Andrzej Fojutowski (Poland), Philippe Gerardin (France), Carolina Greibeler (Spain), Henrik Herajarvi (Finland), Rene Alexander Herrera Diaz (Spain), Callum Hill (UK), Mihar Humar (Slovenia), Dennis Jones (Sweden), Susanna Källbom (Sweden), Andreja Kutnar (Slovenia), Magdalena Kutnik (France), Holger Militz (Germany), Andris Morozovs (Latvia), Marion Noel (Switzerland), Lina Nunes (Portugal), Carmen-Mihaela Popescu (Romania), Rebecka Ringman (Sweden), Anna Sandak (Italy), Kristoffer Segerholm (Sweden), Joris Van Acker (Belgium), Wim Willems (Netherlands) and Vjekoslav Zivkovic (Croatia).

The following items are available for download:

Delegate list for ECWM8

Programme for ECWM8

Conference Proceedings