
Kranjska Gora Session 7


The seventh and final session of the conference dealt with "Composites and non-wood materials" and was chaired by Sergej Medved (Univeristy of Ljubljana, Slovenia) and Monika Muszynska (University of Poznan, Poland).

The presentations given in this session were:

Cihat Tascioglu: "Biological performance of zinc borate-incorporated particleboard: Effects of leaching on efficacy"

Niccolo Macchi: "Use of wood waste as a resource for structural wood-concrete compounds"

Mark Irle: "ESB wooden Buildings as model houses to define the performance through the analysis of design, decay monitoring and environmental parameters"

Magdalena Notburga Pfabigan: "Emissions from wood, treated with copper-amine based wood preservatives - a two years exposure study of semi-field test"

Rostand Moutou Pitti: "Applying the grid method to investigate crack appearance and propogation in notched wood beams used in individual houses in Europe" 

Tonis Teppand: "Technology to use the biomass of meadow plants as thermal insulation material and their thermal properties"

Christian Brischke: "Thermal modification of reed (Phragmites communis)"