
Kranjska Gora Session 5


The fifth session at the conference provided an opportunity for Early Stage Researchers who had undertaken Short term Scientific Missions during Year 1 of the Action to present their results. The session was chaired by Carmen-Mihaela Popescu (Petru Poni Institute of Macromoecular Chemistry of Romanian Academy, Romania).

The presentations given in this session were:

Christelle Ganne-Chedeville: "LCA of an in-development ultralight particleboard"

Alireza Bestani: "Investigation on bonding properties of modified birch veneers using ABES machine"

Serkan Ozdemir: "Bonding quality of laminated veneer lumber manufactured from densified poplar veneers - the effect of pressure level"

Michael Burnard: "Investigating views of naturalness across Europe"