
Kranjska Gora Session 4


The fourth session at the conference was entitled "Mould and Moisture" and was chaired by Stig Bardage (SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, Sweden) and Notburga Pfabigan (Holzforschung, Austria).

The presentations given in this session were:

Mojca Zlahtic: "Development of the blue stain fungi on the model house in Ljubljana"

Magdalena Kutnik: "Methodological improvements in the assessment of the resistance against moulds of bio-based insulation materials"

Jonas Niklewski: "Effects of climate exposure on the (moisture) performance of structural details in timber bridges"

Wim Willems: "Moisture sorption in modified wood"

Robert Nemeth: Effect of high pressurised water on wood surfaces"

Joris Van Acker: "Time of wetness (ToW) simulation based on testing moisture dynamics of wood"