Woodlab - University of Gent
printWoodlab (University of Gent) - The research group Woodlab is headed by Prof. Joris Van Acker and consists of 16 researchers (one post-doc, 11 PhD students and 4 researchers) and a support technical staff of five people. Woodlab acquired over 40 years of experience in scientific and technological research on wood and maintains close contacts with all segments of the wood-processing industry and research groups involved in the forestry-wood chain. The laboratory has elaborated its research activities in different research domains under 3 major headings:
(1) Structure - comprising activities on wood biology, wood quality, wood and tree properties, tree ring analysis both for temperate and tropical regions.
(2) Service life - dealing with biological durability, wood modification, wood preservation, coatings and service life predicting.
(3) Forest products - with a link to processing and industrial products both as materials (sawn timber, wood based panels, pulp and paper, etc) and as bioenergy.