
FCBA - l'Institut Technologique Forêt Cellulose Bois-construction Ameublement


The mission of the FCBA (l'Institut Technologique Forêt Cellulose Bois-construction Ameublement: the French Institute of Technology for Forest-based and Furniture Sectors), an industrial technical centre, is to promote technical progress and contribute to improving performance and guaranteeing quality within the industry. Its scope includes all of the industries related to forests, pulp, wood and furniture: forestry, pulp, logging/forest exploitation, sawmills, carpentry, woodwork, framework, wood panelling, furniture, packaging and various products. It also works with suppliers in these sectors. Its activities are based on three major areas:

· Providing know-how and recognised skills to enterprises: consultancy, technical assistance, tests, training, information, etc.

· Supporting the professions in becoming leaders on national, European and international markets: standardisation, quality and advanced technologies.

· Acquiring, centralising, managing and disseminating scientific and technical information: research and development, business intelligence, monitoring technology and regulations, documentation.

(www.fcba.fr). The main person involved with COST FP1303 at FCBA is Magdalena Kutnik.